Sunday, February 25, 2007


This is crazy. I have Corrine Bailey Rae playing at the background(Yea! I got her album for less than $20 brunei dollars! Original!), Switchfoot playing on my Windows Media Player and Gwen Stefani's The Sweet Escape on Myspace. I tell you it's so weird listening to all of it together. I can hear the strong bass from Corrine's, Gwen's cool rhythm and Switchfoot rockin' away. I also got myself The Faders. I always thought they were cool. They are one of the few girl bands. Cheap Cheap la. May as well get la!

Thailand was fun! Did a lot of crazy things, had a great time of laughs and oohh the food... YUM! Went parachuting with the speed boat (??) , took a ride on the banana boat (which is yet another funny story to tell, but I shall not.. later malu), got my hair braided and a fake tattoo! Wow, Coral Island is beautiful! I've never seen the water so blue and clear! Now this is what I call a HOLIDAY! It's not all shopping till your feet fall out but it's about ENJOYING it! Not getting stressed out. Oh, we all had free foot massage that one time and man, it was so funny. My cousin, Mandy, and my thai aunt tried and it was our first time. I tell you, we couldn't stop giggling because it was sooo ticklish! My mom on the other corner was sleeping away already.

Anyway, it was by far one of the best holidays so far. Aside from the fun, it was definitely an eye opener to be in Thailand. So many people, so many lives, so many individual stories to tell... with so many history... the many mistakes that people make and it all sums up to choices.

Well I gotta go! so much to do! No time to delay!

Sorry no pics. Lazy la


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

rest in peace

Especially dedicated to Uncle Andrew Cheng, we're missing you already and we know you're doing just alright where you are right now. =)

Stay strong Ron!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Where do I really start? I've been spending most of my time at my mom's shop doing all the many, many things that have to be done and are due very soon. If I don't get my butt to start moving, I'm going to live my life with full of regrets. Now, we don't want that to happen do we? I have my mom who keeps pushing me on because she does know what it takes. Sometimes its pretty hard but you just gotta swallow your pride because you're way younger and you just don't know as much as you thought you did. How true! I've come to a point where I thought I knew it all... Pfft! YEA RIGHT!

So many things are changing. People are leaving. It's kind of sad to see people go but I guess this is the way things are right? I remember hating the airport. Most of the people that meant so much to me had to leave. And I had to live life without them (well, not exactly) but as I grew older (yes I'm older... -.-'), things changed. I never liked change. Ugh, I hated it but God taught me valuable lessons through it.. and He's still teaching me.

You know, sometimes we'd wake up and we'd think we can't take it anymore and all we wanna do is give up. Wow, I'm glad I don't serve a God who would give up on me so easily because it gets too stressful. Man, He never failed me even when I've broken His heart plenty of times. It's like seeing the Word of God coming to life everyday. The Word becoming flesh. Sometimes it happens just like that. Open up your heart. Open up your mind and see things through His eyes.

There are so many choices that I have to make and I've said that over and over again. But I know that whenever I trust that still small voice in my heart, He'll never let me down. He hasn't when I was in Form 6. I remember thinking I can't take GP because it was too hard (over paranoid... worried for something when I haven't even tried it yet!). I remembered being worried that I can't take the pressure if I re-sit my AS again. But it all turn out well, according to His will. If He says it's gonna be OK, it's simply gonna be OK! Cos His Word stands and there's nothing, absolutely nothing that can break that down.

I guess this is what surrender is all about. Living a life of worship begins when you drop everything, and walk towards the cross.

Juan: will be missing ya miss! remember to take care! we still have to invent that machine that can shrink ur monkey!

Cyndy: I can't believe you're leaving so soon too! And you can't even come on Fri! bummer. that's OK! Hope to see u before you leave ya!
