hi all. not much pictures from me at the mo! wait till i have time to take more pictures. everything have been really busy lately and i woke up with a drowsy feel. couldn't sleep much last night so I stayed up reading a book called "Before You Hit The Wall". Its my second time reading it and it's a good reminder. I think the first time I read it i simply breezed through it. Didn't pay specific attention and I missed out on several funny jokes that the author tried to display. Here's one.
To the Corinthians, Paul wrote:"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone wgo competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but wee do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize" (1 Cor 9:24-27)The Corinthians were Greeks, so they understood Paul's meaning. Using the imaginery of Olympic-style games, Paul was challenging them to run the spiritual race with gusto. If Paul were saying the same thing in the language today, he'd probably say something to the effect of, "Look, you guys, if these pagans go through all this self-denial and rigorous training just to win a wreath of dying leaves held together with a piece of fishing line, then how much more should we train with diligence to obtain God's crown for us?"How true is that? I've failed to recognized that back then, they dont get gold medals and stuff. They get recognized and dying-leaf crowns. People race their heart out for those stuff! It must've been an 'IN' thing. (this post is not to criticise anyone who is a greek!)
Reading this book has only reminded me that we do 'hit the wall' from time to time. When I say 'Hit the wall' I meant that you find yourself in a situation where you can no longer go on, no strength left and all you want to do is give up and go straight to sleep. I'm encouraged by how some people may hit the wall, and still choose to move on and find a way out. The author pointed out that it's not JUST about going through, under or over the wall but finding out a strategy to avoid bumping into the wall again. I think many times we try to avoid to wall instead of finding a strategy to overcome it and to never let it pull us down again. Tsk tsk, this call for drastic measures : TRAINING and it comes with a capital "T".
Some people think that just because I don't go around moaning over something I've got it all under control. I do go through a lot but I don't have to tell the whole wide world about it. So what's wrong with being joyful throughout the situation? I'm not going to choose to stay depress! No way! It's taking up too much of joy inside of me and I'd rather enjoy whatever I'm doing and find joy through it! (my name is Joyce after all!) The last thing I want to do is to turn to my blogger or to UU which I am affliated to and start pouring out my troubles hoping that someone from all around the world would come and make me feel better. I'm not saying that that's wrong. I'm saying that if that is my reason to blogging, then I've turned to the wrong source of comfort. I'm saying that I'd rather turn to my Jesus first, and the rest of it second. He's not a display in my heart, He is living in my heart. (this post is not to offend fellow bloggers, bear in mind. I'm just speaking my mind)
I remembered that when I first started blogging online, I've always thought that someone out there would be so kind and nice enough to leave me a comment or tag my tagboard then I would feel loved and well-known. Even seeking this sort of attention to a site that's world-wide and within an individual's finger-tip does not give you all the attention that you need. I doubt it can ever fill the void in your heart, no matter where and who you seek it from unless it come's from an eternal and unfailing love: Jesus of course. Now, I wouldn't speak of this if it wasn't true for me. Sure I say the wrong stuff at times, but about Jesus, I'm dead serious and I'm not speaking jargon. =p
If you're gonna go,
'oh no.. another Jesus story?'. Can I really help it? I can come up with different formulas, different ways of trying to tell you who has helped me through situation, but I cannot compromise the ways of God. He is the way, the truth and the life. And I made it through Him. I've hit the wall countless of times, but I pulled through because He gave me a hope and a future that will prosper and will not harm me (Jer 28:11). He gave me the love and the attention, more than I ever needed, that no one else can. He called me precious in His eyes and He honours me (Isaiah 43:4)! You don't get a lot of people who honour you that way and especially someone with royalty. This doesn't just go out to me, but it goes out to all of you. All you gotta do is believe and trust, and definitely re-think. A lot has to do with changing your mind set and it takes a lot of discipline. You don't expect an ordinary three year old kid withouth the right food and the right training to run the 100 metre race and break the record! (I emphasize on ordinary because there are some extraordinary kids as shown by Ripley's Believe it or not!)
Online blogging, gives us an insight to what others are going through. It opens the door for a lot of us to enter into your world and it does allow us to feel for you. But it's not the ultimate source for everything. The comfort that comes from online commenters are to encourage you but it doesn't sustain you. Jesus sents His heart out for you. Won't you open the door to Him?