Geek Club
Spokeperson of Geek Club

I give to you, Edna Mode (who we all thought was Wanda... -.-')
Why her? Because though she is small and weird, she's got talent. She's creative and dang she walks fast. Just exactly what we need. :)
Vice President:
Desman Sii
Why? Simply because he was there at the right time. And he is very kiasu.
Hehe that's me!!

Jack Jack. Shows how cute we really are... (on the inside....)
Our Motto:
Be a sponge. Grabs hold of all the wisdom you need. (from the right sources pls!!)
Why her? Because though she is small and weird, she's got talent. She's creative and dang she walks fast. Just exactly what we need. :)
Vice President:
Why? Simply because he was there at the right time. And he is very kiasu.

Jack Jack. Shows how cute we really are... (on the inside....)
Our Motto:

Thank you.
- Secretary
- Supporters
- Models
- remore to come. (lemme think of roles okay!)
- You must find passion to study
- You must have a vision
- You must dream big
- You must be cool, though still geeky
Thank you.
Labels: lame stuff